Certification in Generative AI

Upskill, Reskill and Become a Thorough Gen AI Professional
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Application Based Learning
40 hrs live online sessions
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Industry Overview

Generative AI is revolutionizing industries with its ability to create new content and solutions, enhancing business models and customer experiences. Key applications include marketing, media, manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and tech. The market, worth $10.79 billion in 2022, is expected to reach $118.06 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 27.02%. Future advancements will rely on collaboration and tool integration. Responsible development and deployment are crucial for maximizing its benefits.

About the Program and Key Takeaway

This comprehensive course on Generative AI covers the foundational concepts, advanced models, and practical applications of Generative AI technologies. Participants will explore the differences between traditional AI and Generative AI, delve into various generative models including GANs, autoencoders, and transformers, and understand the architecture and applications of large language models (LLMs). The course also includes hands-on projects and practical sessions on prompt engineering, the use of vector databases, LangChain, and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). Ethical considerations, biases, and the environmental impact of AI are also discussed, along with best practices for model retraining, recalibration, and implementing guardrails.

Understanding Generative AI Models

Mastering Large Language Models (LLMs)

Prompt Engineering Techniques

Implementing Vector Databases

Utilizing LangChain for LLMs

Ethical and Practical Considerations

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Introduction to Generative AI
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Generative AI Applications
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Traditional AI Vs GenAI
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Introduction to Generative Models
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Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
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Transformers and Attention Mechanisms - "Attention is all you need".

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Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs)
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Architecture of Large Language Models
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Text AI LLMs (GPT-3, GPT-4, LaMDA, LLaMA, Google FLAN, Falcon LLM)
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Image AI Models & Services (Midjourney, Stable Diffusion)
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Video AI Models (Runway - Gen 1 & 2, Kaiber, D-ID)
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Audio AI Models (ElevenLabs)

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Introduction to Prompt Engineering
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Introduction to ChatGPT
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Designing a prompt - The process and workflow
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Avoiding prompt injections using delimiters
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Defining constraints
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Zero-shot Prompting
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Few-shot Prompting
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Persona Prompting
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Chain of Thought
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Adversial Prompting
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Project: Data Analysis using ChatGPT4 & Gemini
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Project: Implement ML LifeCycle using GenAI tool

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Use of Vector Database in Gen AI application
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Vector DB vs Graph Database
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Introduction to ChromaDB
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Collection and metadata creation using chromaDB
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Vector DB Benefits

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What is LangChain and when should you use it?
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The LangChain Ecosystem
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Supported LLMs
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Case Study: Getting started with LangChain and OpenAI
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Prompt composition and templates
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Using multiple LLMs (Chains)
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Working with Data loaders - Ingesting documents
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Working with text splitters - Chunking Data
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Working with Chains (Conversational Retrieval QA, Retrieval QA, Summarization, API etc.)
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Working with Memory
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Working with Embedding
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Different Model Evaluation metrics like BLEU ,ROUGE

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Introduction to RAG
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Improve RAG ny reranking of context
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Adanced RAG
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Cache mechinism in RAG
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Project: ChatBot implementation using RAG

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when should retrain our LLM Model
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impact on evironment
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Biases and other ethical Issues
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Copyrights and ownership
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License types for models and its implications

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Inteoduction to Different LLM llama2, Mistreal,Gemma etc
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When and how to recalibrate,re-train,re-build models
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Search Architecture
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Chatbot Architecture
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Domain specfic architectures

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What are guard rails and why they are required
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Different type of guard rails - Low code / no code, programmatic
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Diffeerent type of GuradRail framework: Guardrails AI, NeMo Guardrails

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Programme Fee Structure

Programme Fee

₹ 5,000

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